Contact with Manuel González

CONTACT (2024)

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Manuel has solid experience in transformation and digitalisation involving corporate functions and commercial operations in companies dealing with utilities, oil, and natural resources.

Given his accumulated expertise, he leads the company in the areas of Digital & Enable Solutions as well as Finance Transformation in various market sectors. His “go-to market” involves the technological arena, and he is committed to the evolution of the value proposition of the CFO area.

What is your position at Axis Corporate, part of Accenture?

I am responsible for the Digital & Enabling Solutions practice, and my main objective is to incorporate the new possibilities offered by digitalisation and technological platforms into Axis Corporate, part of Accenture’s value proposals when it comes to transforming our clients’ operations.

What do you value most about your position?

The need to be in a continuous process of learning. We live in an environment of permanent disruption, especially when it comes to technology, which forces us to be continuously up to date in order to provide value to our customers. On the one hand, this is somewhat stressful, but it’s also rewarding because of the intellectual challenge it entails.

What are the key ingredients to being good at what you do?

The desire to keep learning, synthesis and clarity when it comes to formulating ideas, teaching while relaying complex approaches, technical and academic solvency, and pragmatism when facing any challenge.

What advice would you give to a client in order to face new market challenges?

To avoid mere tactics and to have the courage to face change from a transformational approach. This is the only way to have a significant impact on results. Obviously, this does not preclude the search for short-term results, which, in turn, will enhance the value of a longer-term vision. They must avoid believing that the short-term tactic is the end goal. Don’t fear change, especially in a context like the current one, in which any company can be the victim of a disruption to the market.

What phrase do you like to start your day with?

Energy and perseverance conquer all.